Individual Therapy Available
to Treat:
Anger is an emotion we all experience, yet somehow there is tremendous shame and guilt attached to it.
My approach is to help people who are not happy with the way they express anger understand why the problem exists and to make healthy choices. The good news is that we are all capable of changing our anger patterns... yes even you!
I am the province's only certified Anger Solutions Trainer and have been helping clients achieve their goals using this model for more than a decade. It really works!
If you are ready to make a healthy change, call for an appointment. You won't be sorry.
Relationship Distress
Even the best relationships are complicated... that's why sometimes things go wrong. Worry and stress about our relationships at work, with our family, friends or partners can make us feel overwhelmed and sad.
This practice offers:
Individual therapy to help you understand how you feel about the problem, set boundaries, work on self-esteem and just focus on your needs.
I can help you work through those tangled feelings and take control of your wellness again in a way that makes sense to you.
Depression and Anxiety
Clinical Depression and Anxiety disorders are very difficult to live with, but not impossible. Everyone deserves the best quality of life possible and I am committed to helping you find yours.
Are you experiencing difficulty concentrating?
Is decision-making more challenging?
Have you experienced a change in appetite and sleep patterns?
Is it difficult to leave the house?
Are previously enjoyed activities not as fun?
Is your mind constantly racing?
These are common but treatable symptoms. My years of experience in mental health can offer you and your family helpful strategies. If you are ready to make some changes, give me a call.
Retirement Adjustment
So, you've been counting down the days until retirement for the last 40 years and now here you are...finally! But wait, why do you feel depressed and overwhelmed at the thought of retiring?
I offer retirement readiness sessions for you and your retirement partner. These single sessions can help you ensure a smooth transition and help you feel comfortable and happy in the next stage of your life.
If you have already retired and are struggling to adjust, rest assured a bumpy emotional transition can be quite normal.
Research tells us that a period of low mood after retirement is common. There are however, many things you can do to take charge and have the retirement you planned from an emotional point of view. Give me a call and let's take charge of your retirement experience.
PTSD is something we hear about every day. It's on television, the news, your doctor might have even suggested that's what keeps you awake at night.
Traumatic events can be difficult for the brain to process. As a result, after something upsetting happens many people find they are triggered by other events that remind them of it. They can have difficulty remembering that they are not experiencing the event now because it feels very real.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD can disrupt relationships, education, and your ability to work...but it is treatable.
If this is something that you would like help with, call for an appointment. I can discuss treatment options including EMDR Therapy and other types of trauma counselling.
Stress Management
These days we are all multi-tasking. We work, get the kids to school, get together with friends and try to keep the bills paid. But sometimes other things happen that mean we don't have enough energy to keep going.
Our kids might be struggling with peers, our parents might be sick, or a co-worker might be making our job stressful. Suddenly life gets a lot more complicated.
I understand the complexities of busy lives because I lead one too! Finding balance and
giving ourselves permission to put our own needs first is tough, but very necessary.
Let's talk about how you can meet your needs while taking care of everything else on your plate too.
Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing or EMDR Therapy is considered one of the top two psychotherapies for the treatment of trauma.
Trauma can be defined as an emotionally charged event that results in lasting distress. It could be a bite from a dog, a car accident, an assault or a death that has shaken you up.
EMDR therapy is a different type of trauma therapy that involves assisting the brain in processing the upsetting event. The therapy is much faster than traditional psychotherapies and does not involve a great deal of talking or learning adaptive strategies. It can be used by children, teens, adults and seniors.
Elizabeth is a certified EMDR practitioner, and a Consultant in Training, supervising other EMDR providers. If this therapy is something you would like to discuss, give me a call and we can determine if it would be useful for you.
and Loss
Losing someone we love is incredibly difficult., We have to somehow find a way to keep doing all the things we have to do every day, care for everyone else, go to our jobs and if there is any time left...think about how badly we hurt.
Acknowledging loss is important if we are to move through it in a healthy way. Accepting loss is not the same as being ok with it. We can experience a full range of emotions from shock, denial, anger and despair. Each stage is normal but can be overwhelming.
Grief is an area I specialize in, and I am happy to guide you through challenging grief moments. Perhaps you are worried that your grief experience is different than those of you, or that it doesn't seem to be getting any easier with time passing. Call me and let's talk about therapies to make it easier.